THERE are 14 new cases of Covid-19 reported on Tuesday morning. In its latest…
Rowley Declares Victory for PNM
By Pamela Ramcharan and Sue-Ann Wayow PEOPLE’S National Movement (PNM) political leader Dr Keith…
UNC says Police Frustrating Voters in St Augustine
THE United National Congress(UNC) is calling for the arrest of police officers accused of…
Prisoner Tests Positive for Covid-19
By Pamela Ramcharan A convicted prisoner at the Frederick Street prison in Port-of-Spain has tested…
One Covid-19 Patient in ICU
By Pamela Ramcharan TWO Covid-19 positive patients are warded in the High Dependency Unit (HDU)…
Deyalsingh’s Daughter-in-Law Not Voting
HEALTH Minister Terrence Deyalsingh has dismissed a social media post by UNC activist Anil Roberts… Live Blog: Voting in TT
AS voting gets going across Trinidad and Tobago, has reporters and photographers across the…
1.13 Million Eligible to Vote
VOTING got going at 6 am on Monday in 41 constituencies across Trinidad and Tobago.…
Voting gets Going in TT With Social Distancing
SOCIAL distancing measures due to the Covid-19 pandemic has caused long lines at polling stations…
Gary Griffith: I’m Not Voting
By Sue-Ann Wayow POLICE Commissioner Gary Griffith will not be voting in Monday’s general election.…