AZP News Week in Review – Oct 24 to 30

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View summaries and links to the main stories as published on AZP News for the past week. We start with the Covid-19 statistics.


Oct 24 to 30 in Covid-19

Sunday (Oct 24):     6 deaths, 244 new cases;

Monday (Oct 25):    5 deaths, 117 new cases;

Tuesday (Oct 26):   5 deaths, 215 new cases;

Wednesday (Oct 27): 3 deaths, 17 new cases;

Thursday (Oct 28): 10 deaths, 386 new cases;

Friday (Oct 29): 6 deaths, 285 new cases; and

Saturday (Oct 30): 8 Deaths, 290 new cases.

Sunday (Oct 24)

Six More Die from Covid-19

THE Ministry of Health reports another six persons died from Covid-19 in Trinidad and Tobago.

In its latest update (#887), the Ministry of Health reported 244 new Covid-19 cases taken from samples during the period October 20 to October 23.

See detail info here…

Hudson, Awninings

Monday (Oct 25)

Vaccines a Get Out of Jail Card’

MINISTER of Health Terrence Deyalsingh says vaccines have now become the cornerstone of the global response and our “get out of jail free card.”

He was speaking at the 25th virtual HealthSafetySecurity & Environment (HSSE) hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce of Trinidad & Tobago (AMCHAM T&T) on lessons learnt from Covid-19.

Click here for full story here…

ICU Covid-19 Beds Running Out

THE demand for Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds to treat Covid-19 patients is now more than supply.

And 96% patients in the ICU are not fully vaccinated and 94% in the parallel healthcare system are unvaccinated.

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Don’t Compare Schools to Safe Zone

IT’S not fair to compare schools with safe zones.

This according to epidemiologist Dr Avery Hinds at the Virtual media conference of the Ministry of Health on Monday to update the country on the Covid-19 fight.

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No Triage Policy in Place Yet

THERE is no triage policy in place to deal with Covid-19 patients who have to go into intensive care.

This as there is almost no space in the Intensive Care Units for Covid-19 patients in the parallel healthcare system.

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Tuesday (Oct 26)

UNC Takes on Independent Senators

OPPOSITION Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar lambasted the nine Independent Senators in the Parliament for not voting for the motion put forward by her to have a tribunal investigate President Paula-Mae Weekes.

During the United National Congress (UNC) virtual report on Monday, Persad-Bissessar blamed the senators for keeping the country in the dark about the entire Police Service Commission (PolSC) chaos.

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Only Fully Vaccinated Non-Nationals can Travel to US

ALL adult foreign nationals travelling into the United States from November 8 will be required to be fully vaccinated against Covid-19.

US citizens and legal permanent residents (LPRs) will be exempt from this vaccination requirement, although unvaccinated US citizens and LPRs, including children, must provide proof of a negative Covid-19 test taken before departure and be retested upon their arrival to the United States.

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$61M Spent in Contract Employment in TTPS in 2016

THE Ministry of Finance is stating that inaccurate financial information regarding contract employment for the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) is being disseminated into the public domain and that increases occurred in 2018 and not 2016 as stated in the media.

In a press release on Tuesday, the ministry stated that Finance Minister Colm Imbert has taken note of two successive articles in the Express Newspaper published on Sunday and on Tuesday.

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Moonilal: Rowley Believes He’s Police Commissioner

OROPOUCHE East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal describes Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley’s behaviour regarding the commissioner of police (CoP) as an over abuse of power.

He said that Dr Rowley feels he is the police commissioner of T&T.

Read full story here…

Floods Close Mass Vaccination Site

FLOOD waters have again caused the PowerGen Covid-19 mass vaccination site in Penal to be closed on Tuesday.

Click here for details…

Two ICU Spaces Remain in Tobago

ALTHOUGH two spaces remain in the Intensive Care Unit at the Scarborough General Hospital for Covid-19 patients, there are three additional isolation rooms at the Accident and Emergency Department to help the situation.

Click here for details…


Wednesday (Oct 27)

Covid-19 Death Toll in Tobago Reaches 100

THERE are now five new coronavirus cases reported in Tobago with one additional death.

The Division of Health, Wellness and Family Development reported that a 45-year-old woman with comorbidities has become the island’s latest Covid-19 fatality.

Click here for details…

You Can Show Your Immunization Card from Your Phone to Enter Safe Zones

BOTH photocopies and an electronic copy of your immunization card on your phone will be acceptable to enter safe zones.

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Sinanan – No Geographical Discrimination

THERE is no geographical discrimination when it comes to landslip repairs says Minister of Works and Transport, Rohan Sinanan.

Click here for more details…

Only Major Landslips to be Repaired

THE majority of landslips in Trinidad occur in the central and southern regions and with Government’s limited funding to the Ministry of Works and Transport, there focus in only repairing the major ones.

On Tuesday, the ministry launched its National Landslip Repair Programme for 2021/2022 at the ministry’s headquaters in Port-of-Spain.

Click here for full story…

Police Operations Continue

The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) is stating that regardless of reduced manpower at the TTPS recently, “all operations and services continue unabated.”

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BMI: An Unnoticed Comorbidity

BODY Mass Index (BMI) is considered a comorbidity which sometimes goes unnoticed by many Covid-19 patients.

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Only One Covid-19 ICU Bed Available

OF the 52 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds allocated for Covid-19 patients in the public healthcare system, 51 are currently filled.

This is according to the Ministry of Health’s Principal Medical Officer Dr Maryam Abdool-Richards.

Click for full story here…

Decreasing Vaccination Rates

AS at Tuesday night, 620, 231 persons received a first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine representing 44.3% of the population.

This information was revealed by Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh who said the vaccination rate followed last week’s pattern of a 50% daily decrease.

Click here for full story…

Dr Trotman Defends Triage System for Covid-19

THORACIC Medical Director of the Caura Hospital Dr Michelle Trotman defends the Ministry of Health’s need to implement the triage system for Covid-19 patients.

“Triage looks at patients to see how we can get the best outcome for many patients,” she said.

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Thursday (Oct 28)

Rowley’s Golf Cart Hits Woman in Tobago

PRIME Minister Dr Keith Rowley has been involved in golf cart incident in Tobago in which a woman was injured.

The incident has been confirmed by the prime minister.

Click here for details…

Mayaro MP says Manzanilla Road like a Forest

THE Manzanilla Road that connects Mayaro to Sangre Grande along the east coast is in urgent need of repair and is now dubbed “The Manzanilla Forest.”

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Oil Spills at Cocoyea, Santa Flora

HERITAGE Petroleum Company Limited has responded to two separate incidents within its operations on Wednesday at Agapito Trace, Santa Flora, and along the right of way of the Heritage Trunk Pipelines, Inverene Road in Cocoyea.

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Vaccine Hesitancy Hotline Set Up

A HOTLINE has been created to deal with Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy in Trinidad and Tobago.

The Trinidad and Tobago Non Communicable Disease Alliance (TTNCDA) along with the Pan-American Health Organisation (PAHO) is spearheading the initiative said Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh.

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7 Men Rob a Cigarette Van

SEVEN gunmen opened fire on two security officers resulting in the death of one officer and injuries to the other on Thursday.

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Agriculture Minister says No Aerial Spraying for Locusts

UNITED National Congress (UNC) politicians are calling on Agriculture Minister Clarence Rambharat to immediately take action to stop the devastation caused by locusts in the Princes Town area.

Up to Thursday, the locusts were still prevalent in the area.

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Lee says Vieira Giving Conflicting Views

INDEPENDENT Senator Anthony Vieira is giving conflicting opinions regarding Service Commissions and the Opposition will continue to protest for proper constitutional implementation across board.

Opposition Chief Whip David Lee has described his remarks as “disparaging.”

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Kamla: One Rule for Rowley

THERE seems to be one rule for Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley and another for the citizens of Trinidad and Tobago as it relates to Covid-19 protocols and restrictions.

This is according to Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar.

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No Vat on Some Items Come Monday

THE Supermarket Association of Trinidad and Tobago (SATT) says that it will meet the commitment to have for sale Value Added Tax (VAT) –free items from November 1 as announced in the 2021/2022 Budget.

Click here to see full list…

Friday (Oct 29)

T&T Among Top Ten for Shark fishing in Region

TRINIDAD and Tobago is among the top ten shark fishing countries in the region.

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President Picks 5th Nominee for PolSC

ATTORNEY Rajiv Persad is the fifth nominee to the Police Service Commission (PolSC).

See full story here…

Woman Among 7 Held for Valencia Cigarette Van Robbery

AT least one woman is among seven people arrested by police following the robbery of a cigarette van in Valencia on Thursday when a security guard was killed.

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APT James on Dry Doc

THE fast ferry, APT James, is off the sailing schedule and on dry dock until December 1.

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Saturday (Oct 30)

Alcohol in Safe Zone Come Monday

THE sale and consumption of alcohol will be allowed in designated TT safe zones and keeping with the 50% capacity arrangement from Monday.

This announcement was made by Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh on Saturday.

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‘Unvaccinated a Danger to the Vaccinated’

HEALTH Minister Terrence Deyalsingh is begging the population to get vaccinated against Covid-19 as the hospitals and all healthcare workers are being overwhelmed with resources stretched.

Click here for full story…

94% of ICU Patients not Fully Vaccinated

PRINICPAL Medical Officer of Institutions Dr Maryam Abdool-Richards says there are only three beds left in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for Covid-19 patients in Trinidad and Tobago.

Speaking at the Ministry of Health’s virtual media conference on Saturday, she said, “In Trinidad, 51 out of 54 beds are occupied which is 94% occupancy, so three beds are left and out those 51 patients, 48 were not fully vaccinated which means 94% of persons in the ICU this morning are not fully vaccinated.”

Click here for details…

Waiting on WHO Approval…

THE Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine has received US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) emergency use authorisation for children five years and older but Government officials are awaiting approval from the World Health Organization (WHO) first, before administering it in Trinidad and Tobago.

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Presbyterian Church Adapts says Moderator

THE Presbyterian Church of Trinidad and Tobago (PCTT) has adjusted to the new normal brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic.

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5 Traits of the Trinbagonian Alpha Female

AZP News columnist discusses the topic in a concise manner.

Click here to read full column…

The Extraordinary Sitting of the Lower House

IT was a day that the Opposition United National Congress (UNC) fought for the Constitution of Trinidad and Tobago.

It was appalling that the Speaker of the House Bridgid Annisette-George did not allow the Opposition to complete reading their motion and that they were muted by turning off their microphones at intervals.

Click here for full column…

UN Secretary General Talks about Climate Conference in Scotland

The climate crisis is a code red for humanity.

World leaders will soon be put to the test at the UN Climate Conference — known as COP26 — in Glasgow.

Click here to read full op-ed piece…



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