10 More Covid-19 Cases in Tobago

  TEN new Covid-19 cases have been reported in Tobago in the last 24 hours. A…

New Knowledge of Covid-19 Gives Us Hope

TRINIDAD and Tobago (T&T) is currently on its worst leg of this pandemic. Daily new cases…

Covid-19 Stories for Today

  AZPNews.com makes it easy for you to get all the Covid-19 related stories at your…

TTUTA: Education Ministry Needs to Deal with Covid Anxiety

    By Sue-Ann Wayow AS important as the Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) may be for…

SEA Exam Goes to July 1

  By Sue-Ann Wayow THE Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) will now be held on July 1…

Government/Opposition Must Unite to Fight Pandemic

THERE has a been a lot of accusations from the Minister of Health that the Opposition…

Similar Infections with Covid-19 as Spanish Flu in 1918

    By Prior Beharry YOUNER people are being infected with Covid-19 without “existing risk factors”…

Traditional Healthcare in T&T Close To Being Compromised

“Think of a case if your child is having a severe asthmatic attack and you are…

Pastor Charged for Breaching Covid-19 Regulations

     By Sue-Ann Wayow A 48-YEAR-OLD pastor, who led his followers to Harris Promenade, San…

8 of the 23 Covid-19 Deaths Had No Comorbidities

  By Prior Beharry EIGHT of the 23 people who died of Covid-19 in Trinidad and…