AZP News

" All the News you need from A to Z "

" All the News you need from A to Z "

My Conspiracy Theories After a Hard Week

NOT going to lie, like everyone else I love a conspiracy theory. The weirder they are…

Know the Law: Judge Can Inspect Documents at Case Management Conference

By Ravi Nanga DURING the course of the case management conferences, the judge will make a…

A Closer Look at Tint Restrictions in T&T

Happy New Year readers! It’s my first article for 2021, and many thanks for having…

Public Healthcare Not Good Enough for Those in Charge of It

  THIS week’s tomfoolery is bought to you by Dr Fuad Khan, former minister of health,…

Commentary: Judge Can Ask that Case be Settled

By Ravi Nanga LAST week we examined the concept of the case management conference. The start…

Ambassador Mondello Op-Ed: US Don’t See Eye-to-Eye With T&T on Venezuela

Bellow is an Op-ed piece done by US Ambassador to the United States Joseph Mondello. The…

Commentary: Democracy is Fragile, Even in ‘Murica

ON Wednesday January 6, 2021, Venezuelan President Nicholas Maduro gathered his communications team and prepared to…

All About a Case Management Conference

By Ravi Nanga THIS week we will continue to explore the course of a matter once…

$5,000 Fine for Illegal Motor Vehicle Tints

ANOTHER set of motor vehicle regulations with eyebrow raising fines has been made into law, with…

Commentary: I’m No Anti-Vaxxer

GUESS what small pox, measles, and polio all have in common? They are all diseases that…