AZP News

" All the News you need from A to Z "

" All the News you need from A to Z "

Know the Law: Filing a Defence

    By Ravi Nanga ONCE a person is served with a Claim Form and Statement…

Giving Our Children a Comprehensive Sexual Education

THE deviant abomination of instituting a comprehensive sexual education programme starting at the primary school level…

How to Start a Matter in Court

  By Ravi Nanga LAST week we examined what a pre-action protocol letter entails. This week…

A Traffic Law that Defies Logic

WITH the oil and gas boom a thing of the past, this country had to adapt…

Bad Karma for Treating Venezuelans Badly

Ver la historia en Español abajo… This article is translated in Spanish below. Let’s do an…

UNC Internal Elections: A Lesson in Leadership

Commentary   IN 2010, a lot in Trinidad and Tobago (T&T) politics was about to change.…

All About The Pre-Action Protocol Letter

  By Ravi Nanga IN the past we looked at the process of commencing an action…

How a Virtual High Court Trial Works

DESPITE all the talk of a potential new vaccine for the novel coronavirus, I fear Covid-19…

Commentary: Fix the Whole of T&T…

It’s not Times Square in New York City or Paris in Spring, but there is something…

The User-Friendly Civil Proceedings Rules

    By Ravi Nanga IN the past we looked at what was required to commence…