By Sue-Ann Wayow CITIZENS should not get caught up in the race-baiting card as Prime Minister…
Author: AZP Staff 1
UNHCR: Don’t Return Refugees by Force
By Sue-Ann Wayow THE United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is asking the government of Trinidad and…
Padarath Calls for Review of T&T’s Water, Electricity Infrastructure
By Sue-Ann Wayow MEMBER of Parliament for Princes Town Barry Padarath is calling for a full…
Dansteel Reopens with Skeleton Staff
By Sue-Ann Wayow FOLLOWING a fire at Dansteel Limited hardware in La Romain, the company has relocated…
Moody’s Moves T&T to Positive
THE credit rating of Trinidad and Tobago has moved from stable to positive based on premier…
Rowley: Ignore Kamla on CARICOM
By Sue-Ann Wayow IGNORE Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar on the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) says Prime Minister…
Letter To Editor: WASA $6.7B Deficit in 4 Years (2016 to 2019)
Dear Editor, The April 2018 and June 2022 Regulated Industries Commission, (RIC) Report, profiles the WASA…
132 Murders since Crime Symposium
By Sue-Ann Wayow WITH 300 murders already recorded for the year, the regional crime symposium was a waste of taxpayers’ dollars.…
$375K Bail for Policeman on Several Charges
A 41-YEAR-OLD police officer is facing multiple charges stemming from separate matters including alleged rape, physical…
Fraud Charges: Teacher, Her Police Husband
A TEACHER and her husband, who is a police officer, have been charged with fraud. Kavita…