Mark Reported to Privileges Committee…

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

FOR making allegations in Parliament concerning businessman Patrick Ferreria who was recently appointed as chairman to the National Insurance Board (NIB),  Opposition Senator Wade Mark has been reported to the Privileges Committee of the Senate.

The motion of privileges was made on Tuesday in the Senate by Leader of Government Business Clarence Rambharat.

Rambharat was granted leave in accordance with Standing Order 30(2) to raise the matter directly concerning the privileges of the Senate.

He referred to the  matter raised on the Motion for the Adjournment on February 15 by Mark  which was circulated by letter dated February 4, titled: “The need for the Government to explain its decision to appoint a nominee of the Government to the National Insurance Board as the Chairman of said Board which is contrary to the National Insurance Act.”

Rambharat said, “Madam President in raising the matter, the senator made several false allegations against the Government and Mr Patrick Ferreira, who was nominated by the Government to serve as the Chairman of the National Insurance Board of Trinidad and Tobago.”

One of the allegations included that Ferreira was disqualified from his role at the Central Bank.

 He quoted from the Hansard six statements made by Mark which included, “This gentleman was debarred literally by the Central Bank, as managing director of the Consolidated Insurance Company Limited…This gentleman rebated a commission on a big homeownership policy plan. He was accused of engaging in this unlawful action by the Brokers Association and that matter was reported to the supervisor of insurance which is the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago.”

Rambharat stated that an enquiry was made and the Central Bank has advised that no notice disbarring Ferreira or disqualifying him from holding any position in the insurance industry was issued. 

“Further, the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago has advised a determination of culpability against Mr Patrick Ferreira for breaching the Insurance Act has not been issued,” he said.

Leader of Government Business in the Senate and Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries Clarence Rambharat. Photo: T&T Parliament

The Leader of Government Business said that the allegations made by Mark were therefore unfounded, baseless and false and as such, constituted a breach of Parliamentary Privilege. 

He said, “To ignore such conduct will send the wrong message to anyone and everyone whose character may be maligned and I daresay Madam President in the case of Mr Ferreira someone whose personal and commercial interests may be severely affected by Senator Mark’s false allegations.”

Rambharat said, “It is for these reasons, Madam President, I move that Senator Wade Mark committed contempt of this Senate on the following grounds: He deliberately and willfully misled this Senate and he grossly and recklessly abused the privilege of freedom of speech in this Senate.

“Madam President, in accordance with the relevant Standing Orders I ask that the Senator Mark be referred to the Privileges Committee of this Senate.”

Senate President Christine Kangaloo following Rambharat’s request said, “Honourable Senators, I reserve my decision on the matter of privilege raised and I will deliver same at a later date.”

However, Opposition Senator Anil Roberts right after spurted out, “Clarence from Central Bank. How he know what the Central Bank say?”

Roberts was eventually asked to leave the Senate Chamber by Kangaloo for his outburst.


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