‘It Amazes Me I am Speaking To Adults’

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

OPPOSITION Senator Anil Roberts was asked to leave the Senate Chamber on Tuesday for being rude and indisciplined.

He was asked to leave by Senate President Christine Kangaloo.

Leader of Government Business Clarence Rambharat moved a motion to have Opposition Senator Wade Mark sent to the Privileges Committee for allegations made concerning the appointment of Patrick Ferreira as chairman of the National Insurance Board (NIB).


After the motion of privileges, Kangaloo said she would make a decision on the matter at a later date.

It was then that Roberts raised his voice making a request.

Kangaloo got to her feet.

“Senator Roberts, I have said no, you cannot raise it.”

He continued and she said, “ Senator Roberts please apologise for your rudeness.”

Roberts said, “I humbly apologise….” the rest of his statement was inaudible.

Anil Roberts
Anil Roberts

Kanagloo got to her feet again.

“Senator Roberts, you know, it is not that you have not been a member of Parliament before and therefore, you should know that there are certain rules and procedures and Senator Roberts I am going to ask you please, if you continue like this, I am going to have to ask you to leave the Chamber.”


Then right after she said, “Senator Roberts please leave the Chamber for the rest of the day.”

Roberts could be faintly heard saying “with absolute pleasure.”

Fellow Opposition Senator David Nakhid also got reproval from the Senate’s President for an outburst.

“Senator Nakhid, you are out of order and I would ask you to desist from this line of conduct,” she said.

A clearly upset Kangaloo said, “Honourable Senators, it amazes me that we have to go over certain procedures in this Chamber. It amazes me that I am speaking to adults and by now everybody should be versed in the Standing Orders. It amazes me when I am faced with the indiscipline that I have just faced.”


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