World Press Freedom Day: MATT Worries about ‘Single-Source Info’

    IN its message on World Freedom Day 2020, the Media Association of Trinidad and…

Covid-19 Re-infection Unlikely in Short Term

  BASED on the available data, it seemed likely that having the Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) once,…

$85M Spent on Social Services to Fight Covid-19

    MORE than $85 million have been spent in social services to provide relief to…

30,000 Local Food Baskets Over 4 Months

MINISTER of Social Development and Family Services Camille Robinson-Regis reveals a new food support initiative in…

Rowley: Kamla will Sacrifice TT for Chance at the Polls

    PRIME Minister Dr Keith Rowley is accusing Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar of fuelling unfounded…

May 24 is Eid-ul-Fitr Holiday

President Paula-Mae Weekes has declared Sunday May 24 as the Eid-ul-Fitr public holiday. According to Wikipedia,…

Covid-19: Six Out of 116 Remain in Hospital

  OUT of the 116 people who tested positive for Covid-19, only six remain hospitalised at…

Tone Deaf in Covid-19

    ACCORDING to my third favourite dictionary Merriam Webster being Tone Deaf is defined as:…

Moonilal Writes US Ambassador on TT’s Alleged Sale of Gasoline to Venezuela

  Opposition MP Dr Roodal Moonilal has written to US Ambassador Joseph Mondello about the alleged…

7 Bags of Drugs Thrown Off Boat in Gulf of Paria

  THE Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard (TTCG) found seven bags with cocaine and marijuana that…