AZP News

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" All the News you need from A to Z "

Deyalsingh on Ian Alleyne’s Legal Action: Stop the Freak Shows

  WITHOUT calling the name of talk show host Ian Alleyne, Minister Terrence Deyalsingh says some…

Covid-19 Update: 17 People Discharged

ONE more person who was tested positive for Covid-19 has been discharged. In its latest update…

After Complaints by Patients, Sangre Grande ‘Stepdown’ Facility Refurbished

THE “stepdown” facility in Sangre Grande for Covid-19 patients has been refurbished after reports and photos…

Covid-19: 16 People Discharged in TT

  SIXTEEN people who tested positive for Covid-19 have been discharged from quarantine. This is the…

Covid-19: 4 More to be Discharged Sunday

THERE are now 113 people who have tested positive for Covid-19 in Trinidad and Tobago. The…

838 Beds to Fight Covid-19 in TT

THERE are 838 beds allocated in the fight against Covid-19 in Trinidad and Tobago. This was…

National Racquet Centre Converted into 50-Bed Facility for Covid-19 Patients

THE Trinidad and Tobago National Racquet Centre in Tacarigua has been converted to a 50-bed stepdown…

1,007 People Tested for Covid-19 in TT

  THERE have been 1,007 people tested for Covid-19 in Trinidad and Tobago. This was revealed…

Covid-19 Update: 2 More Discharged

TWO people who were Covid-19 patients at the Couva Hospital and Multi-Training Facility have been discharged.…

Health Centres to do Covid-19 Testing in TT

    MINISTER of Health Terrence Deyalsingh has announced a ramping up of Covid-19 testing in…