AZP News

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" All the News you need from A to Z "

Babies Deaths: Heads Must Roll

“The NICU at Port-of-Spain General Hospital is unfortunately a victim of its own success.” These were…

Commentary: Businesses Face Extortion Tax

EXTORTION could be a multi-million-dollar criminal enterprise in Trinidad and Tobago. It’s not widely reported due…

No Parent Should Bury a Child

NO parent should bury a child, and no parent should be denied access to their child.…

St Joseph: The Favourite Key Marginal

ST JOSEPH was founded in 1592 by Antonio de Berrio and is the oldest town in…

Speed Gun Police Out of Control

THE mentality of the traffic police handing out tickets is heartless and cruel to people who…

Heading to Manchester, but have No Place to Stay

IN this week’s edition of “Things That Don’t Make Sense,” we will be exploring the rapidly…

Property Tax: Corrective Action Needed

DOES the government really have any idea what they are doing in the valuation of citizens’…

Keep It Moving

YES! Life is hard, and it’s getting harder as we speak in the world today, especially…

Moving Away from SEA

I DON’T consider myself a “pushy” parent. I like to think I am more of a…

T&T, Where Life is Cheap

THE horrifying deaths of four Trinidad and Tobago scuba divers who were sucked into a pipeline…