Commentary: The Crime Wave

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By Dr Neil Gosine

IN the past weeks, our nation has again become scared and traumatised by the spate of murders and the deaths that have hit our country. This seems senseless and even evil as the blood of our citizens are poured on the streets in our country with no regard for life under this minister of national security.   

The Honorable Minister Hinds has been an “abject failure” not my words but that of the opposition leader. Again we have reached beyond our limits and beg that the Prime Minister Dr Rowley hears our cries and does not let the people suffer more under his watch any longer. Many have said it before and will say it again, that Dr Rowley should take over the ministry in addition to his role as prime minister.

In the first four months of 2024, we have had 181 murders in this country and our people are feeling the hopelessness that has been the result of voting for the PNM. Will this minister ever get control of the violent crime wave that has overtaken this country? 

I have written several articles on the spate of crime, violence and death including the home invasions that continue unabated. People are plagued by this crime wave and are actually terrified in their homes by criminals. Criminals have declared open season on citizens attacking them in their homes, to rob them, to rape and plunder them and beat them and their family – it’s just pure evil.

The minister of national security is too busy blaming citizens themselves for the crime wave or ensuring that the commissioner of police is very busy trying to take away legal firearms from law-abiding citizens. The opposite leader keeps bringing up this point and saying that under her leadership in government she will pass “stand-your-ground” laws which will assist citizens in defending their homes from home invasions and make legal firearms more accessible to law-abiding citizens.

Why may we ask that this minister, the minister of national security is so against the suggestion of “stand-your-ground” laws and making legal firearms accessible? Is it because he has never experienced the terror of these citizens and their families first hand?

I pray he never has to experience such horror. He has the protection under his portfolio as many of the PNM ministers do under this government, that give them the protection with their special details to ensure their safety but the average citizen is unable to defend themselves in a home invasion. The carnage and death that follow such an attack is horrific. They end up either dead or beaten or molested. 

Recently, in a Monday night forum the opposition leader said that “the difference between myself and those persons against my proposals is that I want you to be able to protect yourself and your loved ones.” However, it seems we are plagued with an uncaring heartless government to continue to allow criminals free rampage and onslaught against you in your homes terrorising you and your families.

We must look now to put a UNC government in place if we want to ensure we are safe and our families are safe. We want to ensure that criminals cannot enter your home to harm you or your family anymore. 

I think the citizens of this country must by now realise that elections have consequences and when elections are held again, we must stain our fingers red, blood red this time for real change, for a better party that can better manage our twin-island republic properly.

Neil Gosine is an insurance executive. He was appointed a temporary Opposition Senator and is also the treasurer of the UNC and a former chairman of the National Petroleum Marketing Company of Trinidad and Tobago. He holds a Doctorate in Business Administration, a Master’s in Business Administration MBA, BSC in Mathematics and a BA in Administrative Studies. The views and comments expressed in this column are not necessarily those of AZP News, a Division of Complete Image Limited.

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