AZP News

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" All the News you need from A to Z "

5 Traits of the Trinbagonian Alpha Female

  By Neela Ramsundar I write this with a dear friend in mind – a true…

Commentary: The Collective Grief of a Nation

GRIEF is best described as floating along a river. Somedays you are gently gliding along peaceful…

Commentary: Mr PM, Use Better Language

IN the Prime Minister’s address to the nation last Saturday and many previous addresses, it has…

Commentary: Stop the Vaccinated/Unvaccinated Apartheid

  “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” “When…

Patriotic Barrackpore Residents Protest

‘In extreme cases the expression of patriotism is fighting for the betterment of your homeland, be…

NP’s Blunder

  AFTER six years at the helm Trinidad and Tobago National Petroleum Marketing Company Limited (NP)…

Commentary: Covid-19 Frustrating the Law

  MY job as a lawyer in civil practice is to sort out the problems or…

A Bread is Worth One Hour of Wages in T&T

‘In other words the removal of VAT is like taking a drop of water out of…

Commentary: A Pigtail Budget

Government intends to tax citizens until they die and collect billions in taxes in 2022. According…

You Pay Tax When You Buy Property in T&T

VERY strategically, the State has chosen now to push ahead with its agenda to implement the…