AZP News

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" All the News you need from A to Z "

Charge Paria with Manslaughter

By Prior Beharry THE Paria Fuel Trading Company should be charged with manslaughter for its response…

Commentary: Solving Crime

“THEY will arrest you, they will throw you in a hole and we will not be…

T&T Can Deal with Covid-19

By Sue-Ann Wayow THE Ministry of Health is equipped to deal with severe cases of Covid-19…

Traffic Disruption: North Coast Road

THERE will be a temporary traffic disruption along the North Coast Road from Friday. The disruption…

No Motive for Cop’s Murder

By Sue-Ann Wayow THE death of police constable PC Ravindra Harrinarine is being investigated as a clear motive for…

JN.1 Covid Variant in T&T

By Sue-Ann Wayow TRINIDAD and Tobago has reported its first case of JN.1 sub-variant category of the Omicron…

Cop Killed

A POLICEMAN is murdered while standing next to his car with a woman at Bassie Street…

Photos: PNM Mix and Mingle 2024

Caption: Government ministers enjoy the entertainment provided by College Boy Jesse at the PNM’s Mix and…

‘We Don’t Plan Crime at Balisier House’ – Rowley

Caption: Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley, left, speaking with his National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds on…

Workshop on Oil Pollution…

By Sue-Ann Wayow A FOUR-day national workshop on Oil Pollution, Preparedness, Response and Cooperation (OPRC) has been…