San Juan Home Invasion: Business Family Robbed of Guns, Cash

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ARMED bandits managed to breach the security measures at the home of a San Juan businessman during the wee hours of Tuesday.

According to police reports, the family lived in a three-storey building along the Eastern Main Road fortified with security measures.

The family was terrorised by two armed suspects who gained access by scaling a wall, police said.

The family owns Caribbean Glass Specialists Limited in San Juan.

The home invasion occurred around 1.45 am when the family was asleep. One family member, licensed to carry a firearm, was unable to use it.

Aziz Ramsingh, 58, the head of the family, bore the brunt of the attack. He was tied up and subjected to beatings by the suspects. The invaders made off with three firearms, an undisclosed sum of cash, and a quantity of jewelry before escaping in a waiting vehicle.

Officers from the San Juan CID, Inter-Agency Task Force, and the North Eastern Division Task Force were on the scene. No one has yet been held.

Ramsingh was taken to a private hospital for treatment. Forensic officers collected workable prints at the scene, police said.

ASP Callendar and Insp Ramsingh visited the scene, with PC Emmanuel of the San Juan CID leading the investigation.


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