AZP News

UNC Members Follow the Star Team

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THE results of the United National Congress (UNC) internal elections were slow in coming in after the polls closed at 6 pm on Sunday.

Speaking at her constituency office in Penal, incumbent political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar said the ballot paper had 40 names and 18 positions and therefore counting would be a huge task for the election officers.

She said, “The results so far clearly show a trend in favour of the Star team.”

Persad-Bissessar said the focus now for the party would be to get the People’s National Movement (PNM) out of office.

Efforts to contact head of team Lotus Vasant Bharath, and political leader contender, proved futile on Sunday evening as he did not answer calls to his cellphone.

Preliminary results after polls closed showed Persad-Bissessar way ahead of Bharath in the three Digeo Martin constituencies and in Tobago.

The full results were expected by Monday officials told


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