Good Shepherding to Fix T&T’s Lost Paradise – Seepersad

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By Prior Beharry

TRINIDAD and Tobago is not the paradise it once was and good shepherding is needed to bring it back.

So stated lay preacher Justice Frank Seepersad at the Marabella Presbyterian Church on Sunday.

He said, “Trinidad and Tobago is not the paradise which it once was. As we look around there is an alarming degree of dysfunction and divisiveness. Ethnic tensions are heightened and crime is out of control. Many of us find our current circumstance to be surreal and we ask, “Why have we descended into this abyss?”

Justice Seepersad said reasons for T&T’s current state were multi-faceted but good shepherding is what was needed.

He said, “The absence of good shepherding adversely affects individuals, our families, our neighbourhoods, our churches, our communities and our nation.

“The absence of men and women who provide forthright instruction, support, guidance and love has a negative and dangerous effect upon the human psyche and very often contributes to destructive and anti-social behaviour.”

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He said many children were deprived of proper parenting and a lack of spiritual focus also contributed to “our shepherding fog.”

Justice Seepersad said, “We have allowed the quest for materialism, the allure of celebrity and the messaging of the ‘cancel culture’ to cloud our judgment and marginalise the need for the example of righteous living and stymie the influence which God’s guidance can  have upon  our lives.”

Justice Frank Seepersad
Justice Frank Seepersad

He said parents should emulate the Heavenly Father to become better parents by being present in their children’s lives and support them physically and emotionally.

Justice Seepersad said, “Accept that you are not perfect, stop berating yourself for your shortcomings and rely on God to give you the grace and guidance needed to be the parent  that He wants you to be, the parents that your children deserve.”

He said many of the truant young men simply need to be told that they are loved and that their lives matter.

Justice Seepersad said, “Reach out to them before it’s too late, help them to help themselves and do not facilitate criminal enterprise by turning a blind eye.”

He added, “There are those in positions of authority who may want to adopt a different course.

“Many are soon seeking elected offices, please be the change you want to see.  Challenge the status quo, put country before partisan interest and be agents of selfless service.”

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Justice Seepersad said, “There are those in positions of authority who may want to adopt a different course. Many are soon seeking elected offices, please be the change you want to see.

“Challenge the status quo, put country before partisan interest  and be agents of selfless service.”

He said too many youths have not received love.

Justice Seepersad said, “When troubled youth are treated with disdain and referred to as miscreants or cockroaches they are further marginalised and invariably turn to  the gangs and criminal enterprise in search for sense of belonging, validation and  approval.”

He said, “The name-calling, race-baiting and marginalisation has to stop and must be replaced by responses moulded by empathy, inclusion and compassion.  A good shepherd loves and validates all of his flock, even those who may be difficult or non–compliant.”




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