By Sue-Ann Wayow
AS the formal campaigning for the United National Congress (UNC) internal elections came to a close on Thursday night, members of the STAR team led by present political leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar called for unity and support in defeating their opponents.
And Davendranath Tancoo, Member of Parliament for Oropouche West called on contender Vasant Bharath who is heading the Lotus Team to apologise to all UNC members for causing further division in the party.
Addressing Bharath directly Tancoo said, “In his best Oxford accent he called all UNC members sycophants and up to now he has not apologised.
“That is shameful and disgraceful. Apologise Vasant! You need to apologise to members of this party for your insults.
“You need to beg forgiveness from loyal UNC members who remained committed and came forward to build this party and gave their blood sweat and tears to build this organisation that you are so desperate to get your hands on.”

“Apologise before you come here and ask loyal members for their vote. Apologise for abandoning the party and those same members. Apologise for working against them in Moruga Tableland. Apologise for working against them when you endorsed the PNM. Apologise to UNC members for the nasty disgusting cabal that you are PART of. Apologise to UNC members for the attacks on young women in our politics that you and your slate has engaged in.”
Endorsing his leader and giving reasons why she should be re-elected into her position, Tancoo said, “She made us believe in the strength of unity, inclusion, diversity. She made us believe in education and hard work. She made us see potential in ourselves that we never recognized. She made us UNC and proud.”

On Wednesday, Bharath held his final campaign meeting in Chaguanas.
Several UNC members and ex- members of the party publicly supported him including Jack Warner and Carlos John. Members of his team have said while they continue to respect and value Persad-Bissessar who has been the leader for the past ten years, the party needed change to get back into government.
The UNC internal elections will be held on Sunday.