A ruptured transmission pipeline has been blamed for the recent disruption of water supplies in Princes Town and environs.
In a release, the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) stated that the 2019 and 2020 Dry Seasons have led to low water levels at the country’s main reservoirs, including Navet that supplies the Princes Town region and was currently at a 24% capacity.
It stated that production at the Navet Water Treatment Plant had been reduced from the normal 20 million gallons per day (mgd) to 16 mgd leading to prudent management of the distribution of water to the various communities.
WASA stated that on July 16, water supplies were interrupted by emergency repairs to a damaged pipeline, but it was restored to several areas in Princes Town.
Tableland and New Grant were supposed to get their water supply between Tuesday and Wednesday.
The authority stated that a truck borne service was provided to the Princes Town West Secondary School while arrangements were made to monitor the water supply other facilities being used for CXC and CAPE examinations as well as SEA tests.