Letters: Rowley, Kamla Should Go

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Dear Editor,

The day after the Local Government Election in Trinidad. The “UNCONFIRMED” results are the PNM seven Corporation and the UNC also got seven Corporations.
•UNC: 71,045
•PNM: 45,593
•NTA: 2,098
•PEP: 814
•PDP: 113
•MSJ: 63

According to the Election and Boundaries Commission there are 1,134,135 or 71.65% registered voters out of a population of 1,404,943. Out of the 1.1 million registered voters a meagre 120,000 cast their votes.

There are many questions to be asked and answers required.


I am of the opinion that the two major political parties contested the election are good vehicles, however, the drivers haven’t a clear direction where they are driving.

I am also of the opinion that the leader of the PNM Dr Keith Rowley is over 70 years of age and the leader of the UNC Mrs Kamla Persad-Bissessar is also over 70 years of age.

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I am not seeing any successors within the two parties and no succession plan to get a younger and competent leader to take over the leadership of the parties.


Based on the 2019 and 2023 LGE results and the voters turnout my analysis shows that neither Dr Rowley nor Mrs Persad-Bissessar are capable to take their respective party into the next general election to form a government.

Maybe Dr Rowley and his cabinet should think about adding another regional corporation to break a tie during his LG reform initiative.

My advice to both Dr Rowley and Mrs. Persad-Bissessar is to call it a day in politics, relax and enjoy the future moments you have left.

Do the honorable thing and step aside and let the citizens of this country find some much needed breathing space. The political office that you both have, is not yours for life.

Kuralal Rampersad

San Fernando

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