INCORRECT information is being spread particularly on social media concerning the roles of prime minister and other ministers following Monday’s general election and the Office of the President sought to bring clarification on the issue.
Following is the complete statement made by the Office of the President issued on Wednesday:
The Office of the President notes the concerns of the general public regarding the current status of the Prime Minister, Ministers and other members of Parliament, in response to which, much incorrect information is in widespread circulation particularly on social media.
First, and most importantly: the process of appointing or reappointing a Prime Minister and Ministers of Government, the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House is guided by the Constitution.
In the context of a General Election:
■ Prime Minister (Section 77)
After any dissolution of Parliament, the Prime Minister vacates office only after he is informed by the President that he is to be re-appointed or that she is appointing someone else as Prime Minister
■ Ministers of Government (Section 77)
Ministers vacate office only after any person is appointed or re-appointed as Prime Minister
■ President of the Senate (Section 45)
The President of the Senate remains Senate President after the dissolution of Parliament until the Senate first meets after that dissolution. At that first meeting the Senators will elect a President from among themselves.
■ Speaker of the House (Section 50)
The Speaker of the House remains Speaker after the dissolution of Parliament until the House of Representatives first meets after that dissolution. At that first meeting the Members of the House will elect a Speaker from among themselves.
The OTP trusts that this clarifies the position and puts to rest any unease being felt by citizens.
Many citizens have expressed confusion given that the country is awaiting results for recount of five constituencies requested by the United National Congress (UNC) from Monday’s election.
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