No JPs at Sando Court

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SAN FERNANDO – ALL accused persons in custody who appeared in the San Fernando Magistrates’ Court yesterday had to be remanded to prison as there was no Justice of the Peace (JP) to approve bail documents.

A notice posted in the court read: “Please note that to­day Mon­day 29th Ju­ly 2019 Clerk of the Peace ser­vices at the San Fer­nan­do Mag­is­trates’ Court (old) will not be avail­able. We apol­o­gise for any in­con­ve­nience.”

Senior attorney and former minister in the ministry of national security Subhas Panday held a press conference at his San Fernando Chambers on the matter.

He said neither attorneys nor magistrates were told of the situation and he had a client on a kidnapping charge who was granted cash bail but had “to ride the truck.”

Panday said he was subsequently told that the JPs had a training exercise that would also keep them away from court on Wednesday.

He said there were more than a dozen charge cases before the courts.

Panday said, “There is not a sin­gle clerk of the peace or jus­tice of the peace to give ef­fect of the bail. So, there­fore, they have all of them pack up there in­side of the cell.

“Some­thing is wrong with the ad­min­is­tra­tion of jus­tice. How could the head of the ad­min­is­tra­tion of the ju­di­cia­ry al­low this sit­u­a­tion to hap­pen? If they knew they were tak­ing the JPs away, why it is they did not make arrange­ments for peo­ple to get bail?”


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