‘My Award Reflects 17,000 Healthcare Workers’

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By Prior Beharry

PRINCIPAL Medical Officer in the Ministry of Health Dr Maryam Abdool-Richards says her National Award reflects the collective work of 17,000 healthcare employees led by Chief Medical Officer Dr Roshan Parasram.

In a statement to AZP News after receiving her award from President Paula-Mae Weekes at a gala ceremony at the National Academy for the Performing Arts on Saturday, Republic Day, Dr Abdool-Richards said she was humbled.


She said, “This award reflects the collective work of a healthcare team of 17,000 led by the chief medical officer, who has consistently demonstrated inspirational leadership with humility. Without their selfless and diligent national service, we would not be here.”

Dr Abdool-Richards was among other doctors – Technical Director of the Epidemiology Division in the Ministry of Health Dr Avery Hinds, National Covid-19 Co-ordinator Dr Michelle Trotman and Professor of Molecular Genetics and Virology Christine Carrington – receiving the Chaconia (Gold).

Dr Parasram received the nation’s highest award – the Order of The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (ORTT) – along with banker Professor Sterling Frost.


Dr Abdool-Richards said, “I am also grateful and thankful to the numerous persons in the various ministries, NGOs,  multilateral agencies, diplomatic missions, chambers, private sector bodies and the media who collaborated and supported the  Ministry of Health team as part of the national response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

“We were united by purpose – to save the lives and livelihoods of our people while ensuring the resilience of our national economy.”


She said the ministry’s team was appreciative of the members of the public who offered kind words of encouragement and support.

Dr Abdool-Richards said, “Your kindness and compassion kept us motivated especially in the most difficult of times.”

She received her award in the sphere of public health service.


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