TWELVE more illegal Venezuelans are being quarantined at the Chaguaramas Heliport.
The Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) stated that officers responded to a report of a vessel carrying immigrants approaching Beach Road in Palo Seco, on Tuesday.

They intercepted a blue Cube vehicle in which they found ten Venezuelans, the TTPS release stated.
Officers got another report and went to SS Erin Road in Santa Flora where they detained two illegal immigrants being transported in a vehicle.
The Venezuelans were medically examined and taken to the Heliport for processing and quarantine, before being deported to their homeland.
The operation involved officers of the Santa Flora Police Station, South Western Divisional Task Force (SWDTF), Siparia Criminal Investigations Department and members of the Trinidad and Tobago Defence Force (TTDF).

SWDTF officers then responded to reports of narcotics in a bushy area at Beach Road, Palo Seco, and in an abandoned structure at Sennon Village in Siparia.
They found and seized 203.1 grams of marijuana.
No one was arrested in connection with these finds.