Icacos: No Water, No Paying Bills

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

RESIDENTS of Icacos are still without an efficient water supply and some are refusing to pay their utility bills.

With reliance on truck borne water, Public Utilites Minister Marvin Gonzales told AZP News that the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) has adjusted its truck borne policy to accommodate all customers including those with arrears.

The issue of an irregular water supply is not new to the residents and there is the call for a proper and comprehensive water distribution system for citizens living on the south-western end of Trinidad.


Last month, after the publication of an AZP News article on the issue, some residents did receive an improved supply.

However, on Thursday, local government councillor for the area Shankar Teelucksingh said residents, some of whom AZP News spoke with, were becoming frustrated.

He said  Fullerton and Bamboo had started receiving their normal water scheduled supply which was mainly at nighttime.


But other areas still have not received pipe-borne water from the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) in months.

Teelucksingh said, “The customer service at WASA is very poor. When you call to request truck borne water, they are asking for your name, contact number, address and update WASA bill. But the residents are fed-up. They are frustrated. They have to pay their WASA bills plus pay a private truck  to bring water for them. It is unfair to them.”

 In 2022, a booster station was commissioned to aid in improving pressures to the end points. Gonzales said at present, ground water source (Granville Well 18) was being pursued to augment the system with a water supply.

Upon completion of the project, the supply should be improved by September to once per week.

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“This well is expected to yield 220,000 gallons of additional water to the Granville system. The project entails the installation of 1600m of pipeline coupled with drilling and outfitting of this well,” he said.

Plans were also in place to construct a Water Treatment Plant for Cedros which would improve the water supply to more than once per week.

Gonzales said procurement for the plant will commence in less than three months and upon its completion, reliance would not be on the Granville Water Treatment Plant.

Teelucksingh said he has been laising  with a WASA official who has been very helpful with communication and assistance but the distribution system was still in dire need of revamping.


One thought on “Icacos: No Water, No Paying Bills

  1. The residents of Icacos should approach MP Foster Cummings for his assistance. He knows how to fix the leaks so the residents can have pipe borne water

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