Caption: A screengrab from a video showing the desecration of the Bharatiya Vidya Abhyas Mandali
By Prior Beharry
VANDALS destroyed six murtis at a Hindu temple in Curepe on Tuesday night.
A statement from the Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha (SDMS) revealed that the four feet murtis were destroyed and smashed to pieces in a violent manner. It described the destruction of the murtis as the worst type of sacrilege to be committed.
It took place at the Bharatiya Vidya Abhyas Mandali (SDMS #334) at Watts Trace in Curepe.
The SDMS stated that the temple is located in close proximity of the University of the West Indies.
It stated, “Once again a place of worship was attacked. Obviously, this is not the unholy work of a vagrant of band of vagrants.”
During the 2023/2024 Budget debate in October last year, Independent Senator Deoroop Teemal said police were dismissive of the desecration of Hindu temples in Trinidad and Tobago.
He said there was a string of incidents over the past three years regarding the desecration of temples.

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