HEAVY rainfall, accompanied by high winds, has fallen trees and blown off roofs in parts of Trinidad and Tobago on Saturday morning.
The Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service (TTMS) stated:
A low level trough with favourable upper level conditions is currently over the area and resulting in occasional thunderstorms which have been accompanied by wind gusts in excess of 75 km/h.
It raised the adverse weather alert to Yellow.

There were also reports flooding in Port-of-Spain, Manzanilla and parts of east Trinidad.

A car was damaged on the Brian Lara Promenade in Port-of-Spain, another in Aripo and two more were seen under a tree around the Queen’s Park Savannah opposite Queen’s Royal College in videos circulating on social media.
Watch firemen as they cut the fallen tree on the Brian Lara Promenade: