POLICE Commissioner Gary Griffith is reiterating that he cannot by law take action against ACP Irwin Hackshaw despite pressure on him to do so.
Speaking at a police press conference on Tuesday, Griffith emphasised that his hands were tied concerning the matter in which Hackshaw is alleged to be involved in financial activity deemed questionable.

And there was a call for the public to be cautious about what was been said about the matter in order to avoid perceived biasness.
Griffith who have said “ I cannot be judge, jury and executioner,” stated that it was no fault of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) that it lacked three Deputy Commissioners of Police, because if there were, “ the matter could have been rectified in days.”
Acting Deputy Commissioner of Police Jayson Forde explained further.

“A tribunal set up in the TTPS is conducted in a particular way like a court matter, like a matter before a magistrate of a judge. The person who is before the tribunal would have opportunity to have representation. That person representing in some instances could be an attorney at law. Similarly, when we are doing our investigation, we try our best to ensure that a lot of that information concerning that investigation is not ventilated in the public so when the matter comes before the court, the question of bias, the question of persons with pre-trial information would not interfere with that investigation. That similar principle applies to a tribunal within the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service.”

He said although the tribunal was different to the Court, “you are still required to adhere to all the requirements to the rule of justice.”
Hackshaw’s matter is presently being investigated by the Police Complaints Authority (PCA).