THE Environmental Management Authority (EMA) is continuing to monitor clean-up operations of the oil spill that occurred in Woodland.

In a press release on Thursday, the EMA stated, “Until Heritage Petroleum completes its incident management, the EMA will continue to monitor the contingency plan deployed by Heritage Petroleum and will continue to coordinate with all relevant agencies and stakeholders involved.”
The EMA added, “In the EMA’s coordinating role there is active liaison with other relevant Government agencies on the steps taken to address this spill incident as well as in the conduct of collaborative site inspections. The Incident Management Team established by Heritage Petroleum provides daily updates on the progress of their containment and clean-up activities to the EMA and other agencies.”

Last week, Member of Parliament for Oropouche West Davendranath Tancoo called on the EMA to investigate the spill that was showing up along the New Cut Channel/Godineau River, a major watercourse in the river. He urged an immediate clean –up action and compensation for fishermen whose livelihoods were affected.