Commentary: Tired Piggy

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Alicia Chamely
By Alicia Chamely

CARNIVAL season really is bacchanal season oui!

The plan was to write an article wishing everyone a safe carnival, don’t be touching people without consent, don’t be body shaming, mind yuh business and have a good time… but then…

Like a tsunami rising from the depths of Poseidon’s lost kingdom, tearing through the cities and crashing upon the mountains came the saga of Watson and Kezel. Sex, slapping, a tired piggy, nudes and politics… ahh a recipe for extreme entertainment.

Oh child, clutch your pearls.

For those who live under a rock, here is quick rundown; Kezel Jackson, now former deputy political leader of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP),resigned from her position alluding to PDP leader Watson Duke’s mental stability and to certain indiscretions carried out by both parties.

Now because Duke can’t keep his mouth shut and truly believes we are itching to know his business, he went live on social media and explained he was essentially Jackson’s sex slave, he’s a soldier so he did his duties, his piggy doesn’t have the energy needed to hold down a set a woman day and night, Jackson slapped him so he has made assault report and despite it all, he still plans to one day be the leader of Trinidad and Tobago.

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Duke who cried victim, also stated the reason he didn’t say anything about Jackson sexually torturing him was because, lest we forget, he is currently on $250,000 bail for a rape charge.

Jackson went on to release a gag-inducing video of Duke in his draws in a hotel room with a woman  being accused of trying to make a “sex call” in front of the woman who seemed seriously uneasy with the situation she was in. The unnamed woman also confirmed Duke’s sexual involvement with Jackson.

Then some nudes of Jackson leaked, allegedly by Duke. Jackson, foaming at the mouth and no longer striving for positivity and taking responsibility for her infidelities, released a video on her social media calling Duke out and saying the reason she slapped him is because she caught him and his tired piggy with another piggy.

You cannot make this level of ridiculousness up.

So essentially, we have a case of when a horn goes wrong and everyone involved in the entanglement tries to come out looking like the victim, but in reality, both owners of the creeping genitals are narcissistic psychos who are blind as to damage they are not only doing to themselves, their party but the people around them.

I don’t know much about Jackson, truthfully this is the first I’ve heard of her, but I do have some rather strong opinions on Watson Duke, which I have never held back.

Congrats Neil Gosine from CIBL

Duke is a megalomaniac who thrives in T&Ts tragic political arena.

In his seven-chapter diatribe, Duke freely admits to just signing checks to please Jackson, including paying her husband over $20,000 for video equipment with no proper procurement. This is troubling, this is a man who wants to hold power in our nation and is boldly admitting poor financial practices within his party.

Where is the rest of the PDP? Oh, that’s right they keep resigning. Yet another troubling pattern haunting Duke that his supporters seem not to be bothered by… this ladies and gentlemen is why we continue to be in a mess.

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Another issue I have is Duke crying victim. Puh-lease. The unfortunate reality of this is Duke painting himself as a victim of abuse is that he makes it harder for men who are victims of abuse to be taken seriously. As it is we do not pay enough attention to men in abusive situations and for a public figure such as Duke to come out and try to use abuse as an excuse for his infidelities is abhorrent.

Lastly, the true victims in all of this are his children.

Because children know, if you don’t think one of their little schoolmates hasn’t told them anything about their father, you are wrong. They are the truly innocent ones and their father’s behaviour or lack of, will have long-lasting effects on them and will greatly influence who they become as adults.

Will there be any consequences for Duke? I won’t hold my breath, because thus far we have seen him continuously dodge any ramifications for his escalating insane behaviour.

So, as I had intended to write, have fun this Carnival. Erla say don’t wine on her police officers. Consent is key. And if you are going to horn yuh man/woman this Carnival, choose your partner wisely and don’t end up like the tired piggy and angry pussy.


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