Cecil Skeete is Shot Dead

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Cecil Skeete

A man who had accused Police Commissioner Gary Griffith of choking, punching and putting a gun to his head has been shot dead.

Reports indicate that Cecil Skeete, 50, was shot several times near to his Freedom Street, Cocorite home on Sunday night.

In Au­gust, Skeete’s son, Ronell Pierre, was shot and killed on the West­ern Main Road, Co­corite.

Skeete al­leged in a re­cent story in the Trinidad Ex­press that Grif­fith abused him while at the Four Roads Po­lice Sta­tion.

Grif­fith de­nied the al­le­ga­tions, which had been sup­port­ed by an im­age of the police sta­tion’s di­ary where all in­ci­dents are record­ed.

Skeete then re­cant­ed his sto­ry, saying the incident did not happen.


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