5.1 Magnitude Earthquake Hits Trinidad

  By Chantalé Fletcher A 5.1 magnitude earthquake rocked parts of Trinidad on Wednesday evening. It…

CXC Delayed for 3 Weeks

  By Chantalé Fletcher THE Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) has delayed its 2022 examinations for three…

President: Get Vaccinated

By Sue-Ann Wayow PRESIDENT  Paula-Mae Weekes making a call to citizens of Trinidad and Tobago to…

Wednesday’s Weather: Yellow Alert

THE Trinidad and Tobago Meteorological Service (TTMS) has issued an Adverse Weather Alert Yellow Level for…

Tobago Needs More Projects for Migrants

By Sue-Ann Wayow MORE projects are required in Tobago relating to the migrant population on the…

Israeli Group Doing Spyware Training in T&T – Kamla

By Sue-Ann Wayow AN ISRAELI group is currently in Trinidad and Tobago conducting cyber spyware, malware…

Caribbean Children’s Channel on YouTube

By Sue-Ann Wayow A YOUTUBE channel will be launched this week, focusing on Caribbean children. The…

Point Fortin Borough Cancels Jouvert

By Chantalé Fletcher THE anticipated Point Fortin Borough Day Jourvert celebrations have been cancelled. Also not…

Hinds Tells Kamla to Show Proof that Government Spying on Citizens

By Sue-Ann Wayow PROVIDE proof that you have evidence of Government spying on citizens. This is…

Scarborough RC Primary School Resumes Classes

THE  Scarborough RC Primary School resumes face to face classes following completion of infrastructural upgrades. Classes…