POLICE seized more than $2.9 million worth of high grade marijuana during an exercise on Thursday in the Southern Division.
Reports indicate that an intelligence unit received information about a planned drug importation operation, involving a South American drug trafficking network operating in Trinidad with Venezuelan and Colombian associates, according to a release by the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) on Friday.
The officers received further actionable information which suggested that a Venezuelan who resides in Cocoyea, San Fernando, was in possession of a substantial amount of narcotics.
The unit acting on the information, identified the suspect, a vehicle he used and conducted meticulous surveillance exercises, then located the vehicle, a Nissan Tiida, which was parked along Inverene Road, Cocoyea. They also observed two men standing at the rear of the vehicle.
The intelligence unit along with officers of the Southern Division Task Force (SDTF), approached the vehicle and conducted a search where they discovered 27 kilogrammes of high-grade Creepy Marijuana, with an estimated street value of $2,963,169. The two men, a Venezuelan and a Trinidadian national, were arrested in connection with the seizure.

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