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" All the News you need from A to Z "

What the New Public Health Regulations Say

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

THE new Public Health Regulations come into effect today (Monday) and citizens are being reminded of the hefty fines they will have to pay if found in breach of any of the regulations.

The previous regulations expired at midnight on Sunday.

On Saturday, Attorney General Faris Al-Rawi announced that the new regulations-Public Health [2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)] (No. 19) Regulations, 2021, will include the regulations for the physical re-opening of schools on Monday and the re-opening of the entertainment sector from October 11 for only those who are vaccinated against the Covid-19 virus.

According to the regulations, the owner or operator of a business who at any time is found to
be in breach of the sub regulations which include all employees must be vaccinated or show proof of reason as to why they cannot be and all patrons over the age of 12 must also be vaccinated will commit and offence and be issued a Fixed Penalty Notice of $25,000.

Failure to pay the fixed penalty may be liable on summary conviction to a fine of $50,000  and to a term of imprisonment of three months.

A person who is not the owner, operator or employee of a business listed and who enters the premises of that business while it is in open for business without having been vaccinated or without proof of vaccination commits an offence and shall also be issued a Fixed Penalty Notice of $5000.


On failure to pay the fixed penalty may be liable on summary conviction to a fine of $10,000 and to a term of imprisonment of three days.

The law also states, “A person who wishes to challenge the issuance of a FixedPenalty Notice under this regulation may, upon payment of the relevant penalty, appeal to a Magistrate in the District in which the fixed penalty notice was issued.”

The fine for failure to wear a mask in a vehicle of vessel is $2,000, failure to ensure that a child eight years and older  wears a mask in vehicle of vessel – $1,000, failure to wear a mask in public  and to ensure that a child wears a mask in public, the fixed penalty is also $1,000.

Anyone  who knowingly and willingly produces a fraudulent vaccination card or fraudulent medical document relating to Covid-19for the purpose of entry into any business under  commits
an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of  $50,000 and to a term of imprisonment of five years.

Al-Rawi had explained  that the fine for producing false documents would be significantly higher because a fraud offence would have been committed.

The list of businesses that will be allowed to operate under the safe zone concept  from October 11 are: restaurants, bars,  a common gaming house, betting pool or office licensed under the Gambling and Betting Act, a cinema or theatre licensed under the Cinematograph Act, a private members’ club licensed under the Registration of Clubs Act, a theatre under the Theatres and Dancehalls Act,  gyms and fitness studios and waterparks.

They will be allowed to operate at 50% capacity, no alcohol is allowed to be served on the premises and the safe zone policy must be displayed on the premises at all times.

Related stories below:

AG Explains T&T Covid-19 Safe Zones


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