Watson Duke Tells Public Servants Don’t Vote for Local Government

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PRESIDENT of the Pub­lic Ser­vices As­so­ci­a­tion (PSA) Wat­son Duke is calling on public servants, who have not received a pay increase since 2013, not to vote in the December 2, Local Government Elections.

Speaking at a press conference at the PSA offices in Port-of-Spain, on Monday, Duke said, “The min­is­ter finds it quite com­fort­able to say On the Job Train­ing per­sons would be giv­en a ten percent in­crease in salary and they in­tend to take on an ad­di­tion­al 8,000 per­sons.

“We say… we are glad. Take on more per­sons, pay them more mon­ey they de­serve to be paid more. OJT they have no union fight­ing for them, they are of­ten­times ad­van­taged so we are hap­py they are get­ting some­thing.”

He said, “Why is it that this PNM Gov­ern­ment can­not get the met­ric right and un­der­stand the civ­il servers of this coun­try.

“The pub­lic servers of this coun­try, the Po­lice (Ser­vice) the Fire (Ser­vice), the WASA, the TTEC, the Air­port Au­thor­i­ty, Civ­il Avi­a­tion, Agri­cul­ture De­vel­op­ment Bank. Every sin­gle work­er in this coun­try de­serves an in­crease.

“And you can’t start with just OJT, CEPEP, Min­i­mum, URP and just leave the rest.”

“They are fix­ing every­body else but the main es­sen­tial ser­vice they are not fix­ing,”

Duke said, “With one month and a lit­tle bit to go, six years, all of 2019.

“They would have giv­en us no in­crease and they al­lowed the mon­ey for pub­lic of­fi­cers which was stand­ing at some 100 per cent pur­chas­ing pow­er in De­cem­ber 2013 to now re­gressed.

“It has now re­gressed by some 30 percent. Or more, some 30 per cent it has re­gressed to and the gov­ern­ment is say­ing to us they have noth­ing to say on this mat­ter. They are com­plete­ly silent.”

He said, “I’m not say­ing vote for some­body else you know, stay home. Don’t vote. If they don’t pay you and you want to vote for them, don’t vote. I’m not say­ing give the UNC your vote, they ain’t work for it ei­ther.

“I’m say­ing when you vot­ing think about who you vot­ing for and what you vot­ing for.”


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