Wasps Kill Pundit

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

A COMMUNITY pundit, who had an allergic reaction after being bitten by wasps, has died.

Pundit Chaitram Hargobin, 45, died while in transit to the Siparia District Health Facility on Thursday evening.

His son Veveakanand Hargobin, 17, told AZPNews.com that his death came as a shock to all especially those from the community who sought his advice and council.



He said his father was cutting a tree in the back of the house around 6pm when he got stung by the wasps. He was still conscious and went to take a shower before heading to the health centre for treatment. He fell in the bathroom and an ambulance called by his wife Lutchmie Maharaj-Hargobinwhich took about 45 minutes to arrive.

His father never had to go to the hospital for anything major and while he had underlying conditions, they did not affect him adversely.


Hargobin leaves to mourn his wife and two sons.


One thought on “Wasps Kill Pundit

  1. Pundit Chaitram Hargobin was fondly called ‘Ram’ by possibly all who knew him. He was a live wire in any gathering and held service and charity at his fore. He will sorely be missed. Our prayers and sincerest condolences are with his soul and loved ones at this time. May his spiritual journeys be peaceful.

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