CENTRAL Division officers arrested one man, seized a firearm and a quantity of ammunition and several high-grade marijuana trees, during an exercise on Wednesday.
Officers of the Central Division Task Force (CDTF), Area South, conducted an intelligence-led exercise between 2 pm and 7 pm on Wednesday and went to a warehouse at Ramsingh Street, Cunupia, where a search warrant was executed.
The search unearthed one Glock 19 Pistol, fitted with a Rooney Accessory and 27 rounds of ammunition and 50 high-grade marijuana trees, with an estimated street value of $300,000.

The items were seized and the 35-year-old owner/occupier of the property was arrested and conveyed to the Couva Police Station. PC Dass is continuing enquiries.
This exercise was coordinated by Snr Supt Simon, Supt Gyan, ASP Ablacksingh and carried out by members of the Central Division Task Force, Area South, led by Supt Baird, Sgt Persad and PC Carter.

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