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Video Conferencing Container Leaks

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THE Judiciary has apologised for a leak in a container at the Maximum Security Prison (MSP).

The container houses a Video Conferencing Centre to be used amid the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Judiciary said an investigation revealed that a tiny hole and heavy rains caused the incident. It has since been sealed and noted that the container was only temporary.

The release stated, “The Judiciary has never presumed that a containerised solution would be either permanent or optimum. It most definitely is not! It has realised though that the COVID-19 pandemic has placed us all in a position in which we are less than comfortable or optimum.”

It stated, “We have however recognised that in this unique crisis situation the legal profession, inclusive of its judicial wing, has a grave responsibility to the country to play a most critical and essential role in human rights.

“For this reason, we accept some measure of temporary discomfort as we try our best to ensure that services are provided to the people of our nation.”


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