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Unemployment Not Cause for Rush for Cruise Ship Jobs

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‘I challenge anyone in the country to put out a job hiring process in the agriculture sector and see if you would get such a huge turnout.’


I WANT to disagree somewhat with many in our society, that the rush for these cruise ship jobs is due to our high unemployment situation. I would say that Covid-19 did have an effect, but I would like to stress, that the cruise lines are a magnet all by themselves, they attract both passengers and crew from across the globe.

‘We as a people just don’t like to see people improve themselves looking for better opportunities’

Cruise Lines are very effective in attracting people to their ships, that’s what they do best! As the Major Cruise Agent in Trinidad and Tobago, I was not surprised to see the huge overwhelming response by the public towards this golden opportunity. Being in the business for 38 years, my office is constantly bombarded by our nationals looking for employment on cruise ships. My question for all those who believe that we truly have a huge unemployment situation in the country. Can we put those unemployed citizens to work in the agriculture industry in order to secure our future food requirements?

I challenge anyone in the country to put out a job hiring process in the agriculture sector and see if you would get such a huge turnout.

We as a people just don’t like to see people improve themselves looking for better opportunities. Hence we see the depressed areas in the country kept that way, all because of our negativity. We can only be a first-world country when we allow people to achieve their goals.

There are currently signs at certain fast-food restaurants in the country asking for staff. Why are we not seeing long lines at those fast-food restaurants?

Best regards

Charles Flavius Carvalho Sr


Carvalho’s Agencies, Carvalho’s Group of Companies

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