This Pandemic Feels Never Ending

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By Alicia Chamely

FOR anyone who thinks Trinidad and Tobago is the only one under Covid -19 restrictions, I would like to let you know currently in Ontario, Canada, the only businesses allowed to be open are groceries and pharmacies.

These lockdown measures will be held in place until the end of May. Oh Canada!

Lockdown measures have been rolled out in Australia, where not to long ago people were cheerfully living it up mask-free like the pandemic never happened.

Let’s not even discuss India. Currently experiencing a second wave of Covid -19 infections, on April 22 they recorded a staggering 332,921 new cases. The country is struggling with hospitals being overwhelmed, a shortage of medical oxygen and due to high number of deaths, they have begun mass cremations.

I point this out as it seems that many people think our Government is over reacting by placing us back under Covid restrictions, and they are doing so just to watch us suffer.

As I stated last week, I do think the issue isn’t so much the places as it is the behavior of our people, which has contributed to the staggering rise in cases. However the Government, as much as they would like too, cannot do much in terms in controlling our behavior and as such has had to take away the places they believe we act the most reckless in.

Frankly, its crap all around and, at this stage it feels never ending.

This brings me to the importance of getting vaccinated. I understand being vaccinated is a personal choice. Many people want to hold out for a while, because they are skeptical of how quickly these Covid vaccines were developed. Eventually they will get their shot, but for now they are just watching.

Then there are the nut bags who believe the vaccine will kill us all! Their beliefs have only been bolstered by reports of the Johnson & Johnson and Astra Zeneca vaccines causing blood clots.

Fun fact, you have a greater chance of developing blood clots from taking the birth control pill or from eating a diet full of fried and oily foods. Don’t see women everywhere chucking out their birth control or people flocking to the market to buy veggies and  boycotting our national favourite chicken and chips.

I was rather disturbed recently at the media reports on an elderly gentleman who had passed away after taking his first shot.

When I first began writing for the Guardian, my editor told me, “Alicia, people don’t like to read. Make your headline attention grabbing and your first paragraph interesting and informative enough that people either understand what’s going on or are enticed enough to continue reading.”

Now this works when you are reporting the everyday, run of the mill news, but when it comes to matters of public health and safety, one must be careful not to create hysteria.

This elderly gentleman unfortunately suffered from cardiac issues and yes, perhaps the immune response to the vaccination may have intensified these. And it can be argued that he probably should not have been considered a candidate for the vaccine.

It is unfortunate however that this was not clearly stated and we were led to believe that his death was solely caused by the vaccine. It didn’t help when it was reported that former minister of energy Franklin Khan received his vaccine before he passed away. All this did was give fuel to the anti-vax movement and further dissuade those who may have been on the fence about receiving their vaccinations.

Here’s the thing chicken wing, for those who think big pharma is out to kill off the population as part of some Bill Gates eugenics conspiracy, please remember all those doctors and nurses who take care of you have been vaccinated. What sense would it make to kill off these people? I mean come on. If you are going to wipe out a section of the global population you take out the dumb ones not the ones who are vital to society. Catch my drift.

Personally, I am super excited to get vaccinated. It’s going to be like Christmas day! I’m hungry for it that yummy vaccine juice.

I messaged my RHA this week in vain hope that maybe they had a couple of extra shots they could lend a sister and her diabetic husband.

I got shot down quick with the good old, “Unfortunately you are ineligible to receive the vaccine at this time.”

Felt a little crushed, but to be truthful I would rather see our medical professionals, teachers and those at risk get vaccinated before me.


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