Lawyers Are Not Essential Enough

  I recently received an email from the Law Association of Trinidad and Tobago (LATT) –…

Video: Fyzabad Empty on Labour Day 2021

Foreign Affairs Ministry Defends Rowley after Chamber says he Insulted Guyana

  By Sue-Ann Wayow PRIME Minister Dr Keith Rowley has insulted Guyana and all countries using…

8 New Covid-19 Cases in Tobago

  THERE are eight new Covid-19 cases reported in Tobago. A release on Friday from the…

1 More Covid-19 Death in Tobago, 11 New Cases

  THERE are eleven new Covid-19 cases reported in Tobago with one additional death. The latest…

77% of Covid-19 Deaths Had Comorbidity

  By Chantalé Fletcher HYPERTENSION and diabetes continue to be the most common comorbidities amongst the fatalities…

Curfew Causes Weekend Vaccine Appointments to be Rescheduled

  ALL appointments for Covid-19 vaccinations that were scheduled for this Saturday and Sunday have been…

14 More Covid-19 Deaths, 301 New Cases

THE Ministry of Health has reported 14 more deaths due to Covid-19 in Trinidad and Tobago.…

National Security to Benefit from US Pfizer Vaccine Gift

  By Prior Beharry A “small donation” of Pfizer vaccines by the United States will be…

Are Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccines Coming into T&T?

    By Prior Beharry A document purporting to give permission to a US State Department…