Burnt Surge Protectors: Only Mamaguy from T&TEC, RIC

ON February 8, 2023, I had a full day representing a client in a trial at…

Hollywood Hustlers

  THE annual Emmy Awards, Academy Awards and Golden Globe Awards which are beamed around the…

Is the Dragon Gas Deal Stillborn?

THEĀ  Dragon gas field proposed deal with Venezuela came with great expectations and hope, with the…

Pundit Responds to AZP News Columnist

  IN her weekly Saturday column in AZP New, Alicia Chamely wrote about how fear was…

Commentary: No Flooding Plan

FLOODING is a major issue as intense rainfall pounded Trinidad from Monday evening into Wednesday last…

Naps Girls: From Humble Beginnings to Excellence

  ‘It has instilled in us a sense of decorum, ethics and decency which we need…

Commentary: Anger, Fear in T&T

    ‘For many of us our fears of becoming just another crime statistic have turned…

Op-ed: Rowley Wants Early THA Elections

  THE results of the last Tobago House of Assembly Elections resulted in a dramatic change…

US Media Creates Cultural Dependency in the Caribbean

  ‘Caribbean people need to adopt strategies such as petitions and marches to discourage the foreign…

Frustration after Accident with 7-Ton Truck

AZP News Commentary   EARLIER this month, I witnessed the handling of events by the Trinidad…