Happiness Line: Successful Unions in Life

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‘What I have also noticed is that before we run to the problem and solve it, we run from it, enabling an oxymoron motion’


AS I start my new journey with AZP News, I am inspired to speak about relationships in all aspects and principles, so we can learn and move forward.

When it comes to a relationship, there’s something that needs to be done to acquire a successful partnership or union. And if it is not done, problems arise.

I have seen many friends and colleagues struggling to make a better life for themselves as it pertains to their relationships. We have seen in recent news how couples have difficulties navigating the ups and downs when it comes to the life they are living.


But how can you improve or become more aware that you are responsible for any action taken in your life? If progress needs to be made, it needs to be done with a stronger determination than what was serving the problem at hand. And that is the wisest course of action moving forward with any plight or problems occurring.

What I have also noticed is that before we run to the problem and solve it, we run from it, enabling an oxymoron motion. We cannot employ that mode of action because what it will do is constantly increase your problems and as your problem increases, there will be conflict and issues at your door.


We as a society need to take the proverbial bull by the horns and work to sort out our issues because if we don’t, they will surely increase. And we are seeing the negative effects of this within our country today.

If you can learn anything from this article, please know that you can take your problems to the Lord also, to solve them at hand and beforehand too. Once you do that, your problems will become lessons that will take you on a new quest or to a new dimension of hope inside, along with your partner in mind.

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If you want a successful relationship, understanding your partner is also critical and by that understanding, you will know exactly what is needed to get your partner and yourself right against all matters. Love is required to get the equation to balance.

Have you ever asked yourself what is needed to have a very successful family? You need to have that love and trust, which could be beneficial with the other doors I mentioned.

By balancing the equation the family can move progressively together for a common cause. Yes, you have to make it work in your particular circumstances and govern your family with love. This is what is needed at this time and for the times moving forward as well – love is the equation that needs to be put in the mix.


Let me introduce the Happiness Line as a series, I am writing every fortnight.

It is geared towards making ourselves better and improving our relationships, as we grow and learn together.

What I have also learned in the courses of my life is that happiness matters most and this series seeks to achieve or give you a greater awareness to improve your life. I am hopeful that you as my readers can track and reason with me. We are the ones responsible for an enlightened life and we can achieve this with our country together… This is true brotherhood, when it comes to making our nation better, we first need to make ourselves better – once we do that, hope and substance are added to the equation.


So improvement is needed in our lives to make ourselves better and seeing that we are reflection of our country in a philosophical way…

Thank you for reasoning and tracking with me and do read and grow as we march forward together… This is love that we all need to acquire within our nation as we speak.


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