Stone will Journal his Trek in Ukraine

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

ONE Trinidad and Tobago national is willing to fight for Ukraine after the invasion by Russia.

Although more than 9,000 kilometres away from this small Caribbean country, Brian Stone has felt deep within his heart that he needed to do his part to fight for the Ukrainian people defending their country against the Russians.

Stone who is a United National Congress (UNC) activist and business development consultant from Westmoorings said his decision was not politically influenced.  He is also a former chairman of the CNMG now TTT.

“The party is not involved in this in any shape or form,” he told on Monday.

The images of a war-torn country, innocent children being murdered by Russian soldiers and the Ukrainian soldiers putting guns in the hands of mothers and the elderly to defend their country were enough to compel Stone to do what he humanly can to assist.

“I don’t know, I felt a calling, I just had to do something,” he said.

Almost 20,000 foreign volunteers have signed up to fight in the war following a cry for help from Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky as the World Health Organization (WHO) attempts to ramp up the distribution of medical supplies.

Last week, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky delivered a historic address to British lawmakers virtually, pleading for a NATO-enforced no-fly zone over his country, while vowing to fight the Russians to the very end.

Stone who has served in the Canadian armed forced reserves said he was not aware of anyone else in T&T who has offered themselves to assist the Ukrainians in battle.

He holds dual citizenship with Canada and has already registered as a volunteer with the Ukrainian Embassy in the United Kingdom.

Having already gone through most of the processes, Stone said he was waiting to get specialised combat gear for the trip and sufficient funding.

These include a bulletproof vest and helmet and a laser scope, which is a device attached to a firearm to aid target acquisition, a winter sleeping bag, winter clothing and night-vision goggles.

The body armour must be a military-grade designed to take bullets from AK47 rifles developed by the Russians.

He is averaging a total expense of US$17,400 for the entire journey which would include airfare, combat gear, contingency fund, training and cash in hand as he would not be able to use credit cards.

However, with no major warfare skills, Stone is not expecting to be placed at the frontline but will still do what he can to be prepared which includes a two-day tactical course in Florida on his way to Ukraine, organised by Israeli personnel.

He is promising to return to his family after 30 days and if the battle gets more intense, he will flee to Poland where he has a safe house in place.

He told that his alliance with Israeli security is assisting.

“The more prepared I am, the safer I will be,” he said.

Stone added, “It would be unintelligent to go unprepared.”

Fully aware of all the possibilities and impossibilities with his decision, he has already begun planning for any outcome including making out a will in his wife’s name, much against her will.

He said, “They (family and friends) all support the reason, but they do not support the decision.”

Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr Amery Browne, speaking at a press conference on Monday said he would not advise anyone to get physically involved in the war as it was a “nightmare.”

Stone admitted the minister was not incorrect.

Should he die in Ukraine by the weapons of the  Russians, he will not be covered by his insurance policy and his body will also not return to Trinidad.

He admits being fearful like every other soldier out there but is more expecting to be placed on security duty to the western part of Ukraine that is near to Poland, the country Ukrainians are rushing to for refuge.

The Russians have invaded Ukraine from the eastern end where they remain predominantly.

Stone also told that he will continue to communicate with his loved ones, here and in Canada and his intention is also to journal his experience using television and the internet as long as he had an internet connection and it was permitted by the Ukrainian authorities.

“I will be letting Trinidad and Tobago know what is happening, that I am okay,” he said.

A new cellphone was also required for the trip.

Recently, lorryloads of Starlink satellite dishes arrived in Ukraine following a request for help by deputy prime minister Mykhailo Fedorov from Starlink’s owner Elon Musk. 

Stone is not hoping to return a hero but he is hoping that he will serve as an inspiration to T&T nationals who he said needed to unify against the Government.

He said democracy must be valued at all costs and presently democracy and constitutional rights and freedoms were being suppressed by the Government.

He also expressed concerns with any potential Venezuelan and Iraqi alliance.

Stone was one of the several who was arrested at the Queen’s Park Savannah when law enforcement used tear-gas to disperse of the crowd recently. He was among scores protesting against mandatory Covid-19 vaccination.

And he also made an appeal for assistance for his Ukraine journey.

“As soon as I have all the funding, that’s it. I am off,”  Stone said.

He jokingly added, “I have to return. There are no doubles in Ukraine.”

Anyone willing to assist Stone can contact him at



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