By Sue-Ann Wayow
THE drama production The Prophet and the Prostitute was not shown at the National Academy for Performing Arts (NAPA)over the weekend as scheduled.
This is due to NAPA in Port of Spain being closed temporarily.
The Ministry of Tourism issued a statement on its Facebook page on Sunday at 12.57 pm stating that the cancellation was due to circumstances beyond its control that have led to the temporary closure of the facility.
“We are working assiduously with the facilities manager to resolve the issue in the shortest possible timeframe,” the ministry stated.
The release stated that NAPA’s management said the show’s producer will update patrons with further details regarding the show.
NAPA has apologised for the inconvenience.
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The Prophet and the Prostitute, a drama production, is based on the biblical book of Hosea and is being produced by I AM Productions.
On Monday, AZP News spoke with founder, producer and director of I AM Productions Earl Bagot on the situation.
He said it was unfortunate that the show was cancelled at last minute but his company will be looking at alternative venues and dates to have the show if the problems were not fixed by the end of August.
Bagot said NAPA was rented out for five days from July 19 to July 23 in order to prepare the venue and host the production.

He said on Friday they were informed that three of the four air condition compressors were not working properly enough to cool the large venue that could hold more than 1,000 people in the Lord Kitchener Auditorium.
Bagot was told that attempts were being made to have the problem fixed before the show on Saturday.
However, two hours before showtime at 6 pm on Saturday, he was informed that the show could not go on. He was told that persons working on sound and stage had already left.
After realising that there was no choice but to cancel the show, Bagot accompanied by the advisor to the Ministry of Tourism’s permanent secretary and his cast went to the front of the foyer where patrons were gathered to tell them the show was cancelled.
This was done 15 minutes before the show was scheduled to begin, he said.
He also complimented the patrons for their understanding and said because of the support of his cast who stood behind him literally in that moment, it was also one of the proudest moments of his life.
Bagot said the reason why NAPA was the preferred location was because of the size of the set.
Queen’s Hall in St Ann’s is being considered but it depends on availability.
If the show is to be held in Queen’s Hall, the set will have to be modified to fit the stage, Bagot said.
Some 500 patrons who already bought tickets have the option of a refund of keeping them for the alternative date and depending, alternative venue.
Bagot said he will be discussing compensation with the ministry because the company was suffering a huge loss due to the cancellation.
Anyone needing further information can contact the company via its website at, Earl Bagot FB page or call 724-6645.