OPPOSITION Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says priority should be given to secure schools in hotspot areas where students will be sitting Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) exams on Thursday.
In a release on Wednesday, Persad-Bissessar made reference to the body of a man being found in front of a primary school in Belmont last month and called on the ministries of education and national security to put security in place.
She said, “Just one month ago, on February 19, 2024, a man was murdered outside of the Gloster Lodge Moravian Primary School in Belmont at 9.10 am, leaving students and staff traumatised to this day.
“In light of this frightening new reality, I make a special appeal to the Ministries of Education and National Security, as well as the relevant police authorities, to ensure that all primary schools in the crime hot spot areas are given special security for this year’s SEA exams.
“This includes police patrols and even police guards if deemed necessary, since students in these areas deserve to write these crucial exams in mental and physical comfort and safety as much as their counterparts throughout the country, to have an equal chance of progress in their academic pursuits.
“To the beautiful children writing the SEA exams, I want you to trust that your hard work and discipline will ultimately pay off. I congratulate you on reaching this far, and I am very proud of every one of you. I know that you will all do your absolute best in the exams, and that is and will always be more than enough.”

As a former Minister of Education, Persad-Bissessar said she pioneered universal secondary education in T&T 2000, which led to the introduction of the SEA.
She said, “I know that these brave, bright, beautiful young children of our nation have dedicated the past year to studying for this exam, demonstrating a level of sacrifice, commitment, diligence, and discipline far beyond their years.
“It is my fervent wish, therefore, that the Ministry of Education and all other relevant authorities have ensured that all systems are in place for the successful administration of these exams, which take place in the nation’s primary schools.
“This year, given the unprecedented crime and violence wave that has engulfed Trinidad and Tobago, many students in schools in crime hot spots have been forced to endure trauma as gang warfare and rampant criminality persist outside their school doors in broad daylight.”

Persad-Bissessar said, “If ever you are in doubt, always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you know.
“To the teachers and parents of the SEA class of 2024, I thank you all for your commitment, dedication, hard work, and love for our precious children. They would not have gotten so far without your unwavering love, tutoring, and support during this very demanding period.
“I urge all parents to remember that whatever secondary school your child is placed in, he or she will continue to excel once you give them the continued support and love they need in their crucial teenage years.”

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Most importantly…Cyber unit of TTPS must be vigilant to deter and mitigate cyber attacks on School. They the TTPS must be fully aware….not as the PNM Government nor as Fitzie