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Saddam Reports Rowley to Integrity Commission

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

MEMBER of Parliament for Barataria/San Juan Saddam Hosein has formally lodged a complaint against Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley regarding an alleged purchase of a million-dollar townhouse in Tobago.

Hosein on Thursday said he sent a letter to the chairman of the Integrity Commission Professor Rajendra Ramlogan.

Copies of the letter were shared with the media following a press conference hosted by the Opposition on Thursday.

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At the conference, Hosein, who revealed details about the Prime Minister’s purchase of the property from Inez Investments Ltd on Monday, said he was anxiously awaiting a proper response from Dr Rowley who was in Barbados.

Opposition Senator Wade Mark was also at the conference showed a thick envelope entitled “The Rowley Gate Files… Nowhere To Run.”

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Hosein said, “This morning, I had cause to issue  a letter under my name Member of Parliament for Barataria/San Juan to the chairman of the Integrity Commission Professor Rajindra Ramlogan  where I have formally made a complaint against the Prime Minster of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to investigate matters in relation to breaches of the Integrity in Public Life Act.”

The MP is claiming that Dr Rowley failed to declare that asset to the Integrity Commission when he last filed his declarations on December 20, 2020, and he questioned why.

“We told the Prime Minister if he does not come clean, we will take the necessary action. We have now taken the necessary action,” Hosein said.

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In the letter, Hosein requests, “an urgent investigation into whether there are breaches of provisions under the Integrity in Public Life Act Chapter 22:01 by the Prime Minister.”

He referred to two issues:

  • The non-disclosure of the acquisition of a townhouse unit, Inez Gate, Shirvan Road, Tobago; and
  • The non-disclosure of a gift/ or personal benefit in relation to the purchase of the townhouse.

Hosein who previously listed the names of some of the other purchasers who are also involved in public life said they had declared that asset but not Dr Rowley who also paid almost .5 million less than the other buyers.


Hosein said, “The Prime Minister is yet to deny the allegation that he filed and informed the Integrity Commission that he purchased this townhouse.”

The Act 

The Integrity of Public Life Act states that the Act applies to every person in public life and to persons exercising public functions. 

Persons in public life include members of the House of Representatives, ministers of Government,  parliamentary secretaries, members of the Tobago House of Assembly, members of municipalities, members of local government authorities, senators, judges and magistrates appointed by the Judicial and Legal Service Commission, members of the boards of all statutory bodies and State Enterprises including those bodies in which the State has a controlling interest, permanent secretaries and chief technical officers.

The act states, “A person shall, within three months of becoming a person in public life, complete and file with the Commission in the prescribed form, a declaration of his income, assets and liabilities that exceed ten thousand dollars in value in respect of the previous year and, thereafter, on 31st May in each succeeding year that he is a person in public life, he shall file further declarations of his income, assets and liabilities.”

It further states, “Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1), the Commission may, in any particular case, for good cause, extend the time for the furnishing of a declaration for a further period not exceeding twelve months.”

Persons in public life are also required to declare gifts in excess of 5,000 to the Commission.

Should a person fail to file a declaration the Commission shall publish such fact in the Gazette and at least one daily newspaper in circulation in Trinidad and Tobago.  The Commission may, at any time after the publication referred make an ex parte application to the High Court for an order directing such person to comply with the Act and the Court may in addition to making such an order, impose such conditions as it thinks fit.

“A person who fails to comply with the directions of the Court, commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of 150,000,” the act states.


See related story below:

Rowley, Wife, Daughter Buy Property in Tobago from Inez Investment -Saddam


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