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Rowley to Young Men: Put Down the Gun

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By Prior Beharry

PRIME Minister and political leader of the People’s National Movement (PNM) Dr Keith Rowley is calling on young men to “put down the damn gun.”

He made the call at the Local Government Election rally titled Red Army Ready Up of the PNM at Constantine Park in Macoya on Saturday.

Dr Rowley was responding to the Opposition Leader and political leader of the UNC Kamla Persad-Bissessar call during the campaign for people to defend themselves against criminals. She has called for easier access to firearm users’ licences and for people to “empty the clip” and “load up the matic” when defending themselves against criminals.

On Saturday, Dr Rowley said, “When they calling on the young people to knock matic and fire bullet and empty clip, tonight I want to call on all our young people especially our young men, especially our young men of African descent to put down the damn gun.

“You are causing enough pain to your mother, your father, your neighbour, your community and this country. Put down the gun!”

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He said the government was opening up opportunities all over the country for young people for them to make something of themselves.

Dr Rowley added, “If you live by the gun, rest assured a gunman will make sure that you die by the gun.

“And anybody who wants to encourage you about taking a shortcut in life and the gun will take you there, I know that young people if given opportunity, will take it, will grasp it and will they will build a future not only for themselves but for the country.”

He said that was why as prime minister he added to his cabinet the portfolio of youth development and national service.


One thought on “Rowley to Young Men: Put Down the Gun

  1. Especially young African males put down your “Matic”. Is this what the PNM has to tell these young African males after 67 years of existence and 52 yrs in Government. This is a vivid example of the failures of a PNM Government whose legacy continues to be one of corruption. The old adage of all ” ah we thief” and 10 % culture of O’halloran continues to be the main pillar of PNM GOVERNANCE. Is this why KAREN exited the PNM. ĶR dog whistle has reverberated through the population. The ” Chinese ” taking heed to the PM call. It is alleged a “Young” Chinese in the leadership of Government dropped off his matic at the St James barracks whilst ERLA was having a necrolepsy attack

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