Roget Threatens PM with Legal Action

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By Chantalé Fletcher

OILFIELD Workers Trade Union leader Ancel Roget is threatening Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowey  with legal action for linking the scrap iron dealers’ protests to him.

On Monday on a Facebook post, Dr Rowley wrote, “So they have made their move. Dump truckloads of sand and debris on both sides of the highway and block traffic! What a wonderful idea of leadership from Roget and the followers including the UNC!

“The marauding gangs of metal thieves threatened to, but did not complete the job of shutting down the country, so the leaders are helping them to get that done.”

This post led to an emergency meeting at the OWTU’s  San Fernando office, where Roget denied any involvement in the blocking of the Solomon Hochoy Highway.

He said, “I want to categorically, unequivocally, emphatically deny any prior knowledge of or any knowledge of or involvement in this activity.

“I want to however say that the statement posted on Dr Rowely’s Facebook page is very slanderous, libellous , and defamatory. And it has already begun to cause great harm and injury to my character by impugning my knowledge of our involvement in this.”

However, Roget promised legal action will take place within the next 24 to 48 hours as a result of this very defamatory statement.


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