WASA: We Fix Roads in 7 Days

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By Sue-Ann Wayow

ONCE the Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA) repairs leaks along the nation’s roadways, permanent road restorations should take place within seven days of temporary restoration.

The seven-day period is also dependent on the weather, if there are enough resources and if there are sufficient contractors and equipment to complete the job.


On Wednesday, WASA along with other entities sat before the parliamentary Joint Select Committee (JSC) on Land and Physical Infrastructure to answer questions as it related to efficiency of road repairs, land slippages and landslides.

Committee member Lisa Morris-Julian said Wednesday was the first time, she heard that permanent road repairs were supposed to be conducted within a seven-day period while temporary restoration was expected within a 24-hour period.

WASA’s Director of Operations Shaira Ali in responding to Morris-Julian questions on the timeframe said, “This seven-day period will be dependent on the availability of the resources and other environmental conditions.”  


She added that WASA has included additional resources to assist with timely road restoration in collaboration with other authorities such as Corporations and the Ministry of Works and Transport.

“I must say this is the first time, I am hearing this, it’s only seven days,” Morris-Julian said and further asked about the coordination with the local authorities and WASA regarding the works.

Ali said the coordination will be as required.

“We interface very closely and as needed when we are on major or secondary roads,” she said.

JSC member and Princes Town MP Barry Padarath also interrogated WASA on the collaboration announced last year with the Ministry of Works for the purpose of road repair.

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Ali said consultation continued with the ministry especially when WASA has challenges sourcing materials.

She added that WASA also consults with the Ministry of Works prior to projects in particular areas.

Repeating WASA’s chairman Dr Ravindra Nanga statements, she said, “In order to address road restoration efficiently, WASA would have in addition for our in-house crews, onboard road restoration type contractors who are approved by the Ministry of Works and who have been used by the Ministry of Works as well.”

Ali said the contractors are based throughout the country providing the additional resources to assist with the backlog of road restoration.


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